Austrian Day of Women
in Mathematics
The aim of this event is to bring mathematicians together to:
highlight achievements of women and non-binary mathematicians
develop a network which fosters interdisciplinary collaborations
promote mutual support, such as career advice and mentoring
give young women and non-binary researchers the opportunity to present their work
discuss hot topics
Presenters: women and non-binary speakers
Participants: all genders - come and support your peers and listen to their exciting research!
Upcoming Edition
February 28, 2025: Fifth Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics
We are happy to announce that the registration for the 5th Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics is now open! The event will take place on February 28, 2025 and will be hosted by hosted by fem*MA at TU Wien.
The conference will take place in the TU the Sky room at Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Vienna.
You can find more information about the event on the event website.
Event details:
There will be a networking dinner on February 27, 2025 at Heuriger 10er Marie. The dinner is sponsored by the City of Vienna, fem*MA at TU Wien, and the Department of Mathematics at Uni Wien.
All genders are welcome to participate!
Women and non-binary mathematicians are invited to apply for a contributed talk or a poster presentation when registering by submitting an abstract (up to 250 words).
The registration deadline for presenters is January 19, 2025.
The registration deadline is February 14, 2025.
In case there will be too many submissions for contributed talks, the scientific committee will advise some participants to present a poster instead. Note that priority for oral presentations will be given to PhD students, postdocs and non-tenured researchers who are (have been) affiliated with an Austrian institution or originate from Austria.
Previous Editions

Fourth Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics
The fourth edition took place on February 22, 2024 at RICAM at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. We kicked off the conference with a networking event and dinner at "Stadtliebe" the day before. In total, there were around 90 participants, 19 talks and 8 poster presentations, including industry contributions from d-fine Austria, KPMG Austria and Sportradar Linz. See here for the conference's webpage.
The plenary lecture in the morning was given by Julia Eisenberg from the Vienna University of Technology with the title "Retirement: When time no longer equals money".
In the late afternoon, Melissa Nielsen from LEA-Let's empower Austria gave a gender talk entitled "Do you feel like you belong? Strengthening the future potential of women in STEM". This was followed by a panel discussion on "Empowerment and Outreach" with our panellists
Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter (WU Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Alexandra Edletzberger (University of Vienna)
Roswitha Rissner (University of Klagenfurt)
Susanne Saminger-Platz (JKU Linz)
We thank everyone who participated and contributed!
Third Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics
The third edition took place virtually on February 28, 2023 with over 100 registered participants. See here for the conference's webpage.
The morning program consisted of three plenary talks by:
Birgit Rudloff (WU Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Birgit Schörkhuber (University of Innsbruck)
Birgit Vogtenhuber (Graz University of Technology)
In the early afternoon we hosted five sessions with a total of 20 contributed talks.
The late afternoon was dedicated to the topic "Academia vs. Industry". It consisted of a talk by the Data Scientist and Women in Data Science ambassador Olivia Pfeiler (KAI GmbH) and of a panel discussion with:
Johanna Grames (AOP Health)
Petra Grell-Kunzinger (Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe Austria)
Michaela Szölgyenyi (University of Klagenfurt)
In the evening there was an informal get-together.
We thank everyone who participated and contributed!
Second Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics
The second edition took place virtually on February 2, 2022 with 127 registered participants. See here for the conference's website.
The morning program consisted of four plenary talks by:
Verena Bögelein (University of Salzburg)
Susanne Saminger-Platz (JKU Linz)
Ecaterina Sava-Huss (University of Innsbruck)
Sonja Wogrin (Graz University of Technology)
The early afternoon was dedicated to four paralled young researchers sessions with a total of 16 contributed talks.
The topic of the late afternoon was the situation of women in mathematics. Our colleage Maria Vlasiou (The Netherlands section of European Women in Mathematics) discussed the topic with us in a gender talk and we had a panel discussion with:
Vera Fischer (University of Vienna)
Barbara Kaltenbacher (University of Klagenfurt)
Birgit Rudloff (WU Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Marie-Therese Wolfram (University of Warwick)
In the evening there was an informal get-together.
First Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics
The first edition took place virtually on February 23, 2021 with 150 registered participants. See here for the conference's website.
There were six invited talks by:
Barbara Kaltenbacher (University of Klagenfurt)
Eva Kopecká (University of Innsbruck)
Debopriya Mukherjee (Leoben University)
Elisabeth Gaar (JKU Linz)
Elizabeth Stephenson (IST Austria)
Marlene Koelbing (University of Vienna)
The discussions in the afternoon were dedicated to the topic of women in mathematics. Andrea Blunck (Hamburg University) gave a talk about "Facts and Perspectives", followed by a panel discussion with:
Elisa Davoli (TU Wien)
Ilse Fischer (Vienna University)
Mihyun Kang (Graz University of Technology)
Carola Schönlieb (University of Cambridge)
The event was completed by an informal get-together.